And how they impinge
upon modern New Zealand
Uncover the Ancients in New Zealand
Revisit Ancient Celtic / Viking New Zealand (?). Investigate the controversial subject of anomalies in New Zealand . New Zealand has a deliberately suppressed pre-Maori, pre-Taupo eruption history. Authorities have jealously hidden our pre-history. Evidence that contradicts conventional historical attitudes which are essentially that NZ has no pre-Maori human history is deliberately hidden, ignored or destroyed. Maori secrecy aided by DOC and our National Archivists confound, obstruct and generally set about to prevent investigation. Maori spiritualist values, tapu, secret folk lore and general obstructions under the guise of cultural sensitivity are used to prevent investigations on land and in national archives. More recent, unsavoury Maori history is being swept aside and forced into oblivion by socially engineered pro-Maori historical cleansing. Take the history of the Mori-ori. A pre-Maori people butchered and eaten into near extinction, as well as through forced integration by such means as rape and slavery. Oh yes didn't you realise, Maoris had slaves, yet were never themselves enslaved by the European. Maori slaves also provided meat and sustenance and they didn't necessarily have to die or be cooked prior to being consumed! Yes it did happen. Recalling such events it puts Maori history in a distinctly invidious position, but it is merely past history now. Anyway history is being cleansed by reclassifying Mori-ori as just another Maori tribe. Still a pacifist race was harried and eaten out of existence, however you look at it.
Maori are not the only peoples to have been cannibals, or to have decimated earlier peoples settled in a conquered land. The Maori of today are really NOT the race of Maori that were here at the time the modern Celtic/European arrived. Their genes have changed for all time due to intermarriage and significant assimilation within the modern New Zealand population mix. One way to counter the modern political bias for the subjugation of our current Celtic, Viking and European New Zealand heritage, is to have an open, impartial, honest and total examination of ALL historical artifacts without imposing obstructionist pre-conceptions and mythologies. The current official attitudes are as bad as those held in Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany. Is that the aim of the resurgent Maori New Zealand? The Treaty of Waitangi, the national art museum Te Papa, the special committees set up to promote Maori with public funding. the list can go on and on. We already have redefinition and renaming of features, regions and social customs with substantial funding stolen from our own pockets. What has happened to the thousands being spent by NZ Post* to rename all towns, streets etc with Maori names under the guise of equal opportunity and total bi-lingualism? While there is nothing wrong with Maori names for Maori communities and places, the prima face reason has been the assumption all features only ever had Maori names. Now there are real grounds for doubt about this. In a truly bi-cultural nation Mt Egmont would be equally able to be referred to by it's European name or it's Maori name, Taranaki. Not so in modern NZ. Use of the term Mt Egmont is considered culturally insensitive. Only Taranaki is permitted when referring to it. People are too scared (or complacent) to question this for fear of being insensitive or racist. Which is the racist attitude? What was it called by the pre-Maori populations and explorers? The term "Tara" also has celtic roots. Perhaps Taranaki is not originally a Maori name afterall? (*NZ Post is apparently no longer doing this, it may have been taken over by another agency). To provoke further thought about NZ's pre-history.. and remember when students at school were once told NZ had no dinosaur history. Now there are books written about NZ's own dinosaurs. Delve into anything that may indicate or increase recognition of NZ's pre-Maori human settlement. Record it, write about it, photograph it, survey it (as in making written recorded land surveys/maps). Disperse this knowledge widely BEFORE official Government departments and DOC, Environment or Culture ministries can subvert such knowledge and destroy, obscure, reclassify or hide the evidence. You don't believe this happens?! Check out ...Taylor's embargo Go to the web-site...... Ancient Celtic New Zealand Then when you are walking, tramping, talking, or listening, keep an eye on or an ear out for the unusual, the taken for granted. Think about objects in and on the land with a new perspective. Learn more about the cultures here to-day, the cultures of recent history and those of long ago. The world is a big place. Man has always wandered over mountain and glen, moor and plain, hill and valley, river, ocean and sea, island and continent. We have always used the resources available to us within the means of our current technologies and we has always pushed the edge of understanding, endeavour, and investigation to the limit. It is NATURAL to do so, and we were made able to do so by design. Some people become enslaved by custom and superstition, by a lack of learning and education, inquisitiveness and loss of perception so that they reject open learning and truth and honesty. Their culture stagnates in rigid unremitting tradition. Fear, secrecy, deceit, deception and untruths multiply and gain control. In simple terms they go to the Devil, where darkness, lies, fear and retribution and apathy reign supreme. Question: Are we headed into another Dark Age? Or would it be preferable to have open knowldege of what we find out, about NZ's past? |
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Copyright © 1999 Mitchell |
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of Celtic NZ #2-TaineRuairidhMhor #3 Ancient NZ (#2) |
Ancient Celtic New Zealand, the book |